Jet Ski care tips during the season.

When you get a jet ski you may be wondering what maintenance it needs and how often. Every Jet Ski owner needs to know how to ensure that his Jet Ski works well. It needs a lot of care in order to continue to perform to its full potential, and if you start ignoring jet ski’s maintenance and care, you will surely notice the difference.

With Jet Ski being such a huge investment in seasonal sports equipment, it is important to take care of it every time you use it. Maintenance should be applied during the season too and not just at the beginning or the end

Here are some tips to extend the life of your jet ski and your safety throughout the season.

Fluid control is the most important thing you should check before your arrival with your Jet Ski. You need to make sure that the coolant is replenished first at the recommended level. The reason we need to check it first, is the same as cars. When the engine is hot you should not open the coolant lid, let alone fill it with cold liquid. This can cause internal damage to the Jet Ski and cost you a fortune. Second, you need to check the oil and unlike a car you need to let the Jet Ski run before checking the oil. Please see the manufacturer's recommended timetable, almost all jet ski’s you should let it run for thirty seconds to allow the oil to run through the engine, then you should wait for thirty seconds after turning off the Jet Ski before checking the oil level. Also, with the oil, make sure you do not need to fill it.

           External inspection

When arriving with your Jet Ski, you want to make sure you have no problems before you leave. So, when it comes to checking the exterior of your Jet Ski, here is a list of things to check:

  • The hull of the Jet Ski

    Check in order to make sure there are no significant structural cracks in the keel

  • The IBR

  • Make sure it works and goes into neutral, reverse and forward mode.

    Internal inspection

    It is very important to lift the seat of your jet ski and do a complete internal inspection before each sea trip. You will need to do a few simple tests before entering the water with your jet ski, see below:

    Engine mounts

    Make sure the engine bolts are tight so that the engine does not move while it is out of the water. Unfortunately, the only way to achieve this is with your physical strength, with both hand  there is any movement, it is more likely that one of your bases has broken. Failure to do so will result in severe damage to the drive shaft and pump.

  • Fluid leaks

    Make sure that your coolant and oil have not leaked to the bottom of the hull, a quick visual inspection of the engine compartment along with the previous level checks should suffice.

  • Accumulated salt

    hands on the engine and do a good pull on both sides and then to the front. If you notice salt accumulating around certain areas of a Jet Ski, you should be concerned as there may be a leak in your Jet Ski. The Sea Center recommends you to get the engine inspected by  one of our engineers it so that it does not deteriorate.

  • Battery

    Make sure your battery is fully charged before putting the Jet Ski into water. If the voltage in the battery is low, placing it in the water will make it unlikely to start due to engine load.

Security equipment checks

Safety equipment is an important thing to consider for your Jet Ski. It is important to make sure that your equipment is working properly whenever you are ready to go in the water.

A simple example is to check that the waterproof bag you have put in your equipment does not absorb water and does not damage first aid kits etc.

In addition to transporting your accessories / first aid kit, you will need to carry a communication device. Whether it is a mobile phone or a VHF, it is important to make sure that these devices are protected by waterproof cases and placed somewhere that will not get damaged . We  recommend to carry a VHF and attaching it securely to the buoyancy / impact vest. If you drive by yourself and disconnect from Jet Ski, you will still have an emergency call way . Please note that you will need to take an RYA VHF course to familiarize yourself with and obtain a license.


Spending time cleaning your Jet Ski will benefit you and help you not to spend so much money in maintenance . The Marine Center has compiled a list of some simple things to do with Jet Ski to make sure it does not run into any problems during the season.


It is important to make sure that you rinse the Jet Ski after each use (You can use car cleaners / hot water to clean the Jet Ski) - this will stop the accumulation of salt in your Jet Ski and prevent component wear. It will also extend the life of all parts: plastic, metal and rubber components that are exposed to corrosion.


After each use of the Jet Ski, it is important to rinse it to remove all seawater from the Jet Ski pump and exhaust system. Just remember the recommended steps : start your engine first, connect the water, remove the water and then turn off the engine.


If you have exposed your Jet Ski in difficult conditions or used it  for a long time without maintenance , it is recommended to open the seat and give the engine a quick spray of fresh water, this should only be done when the engine has cooled down. This will remove any salt that may have settled at the top of your engine. (Make sure you remove the hinge flaps so that the water can drain out!)


Just give the engines a light spray of fresh water. You should spray lightly with anti-corrosion lubricant on top of the engine, focusing on areas that may cause rust if the salt water has not been removed. Again, this will prevent the salt accumulation  in your engine. We suggest seeing what your manufacturer suggests, for example Sea-doo recommends the Sea-doo XP-S anti-corrosion lubricant.



After spraying the outside of the Jet Ski with fresh water, then spray window cleaner (with vinegar) on the mirrors and polish them. The reason behind this is to avoid the accumulation of salt residues on the mirrors that will eventually cause them to deteriorate.

We hope the Sea Center with the above tips will help you have a safe tour with your Jet Ski, Our policy is : The work schedule is followed faithfully and always in agreement with you.

We respect your time, which is why we make sure we are always consistent . Immediate communication with our staff ensures the solution and  answers of any further information or query that may arise .